A Modern Mystery Play
The Flame : A Play in One Act. By Austin Clarke. (Allen and Unwin. 3s. lid.) Mn. CLARKE is an Irish poet so distinctly individual both in thought and technique that critics have......
Mr. Ford Madox Ford
Return to Yesterday. By Ford 11ladox Ford. (it :ollancz. 113.s.) Tins book should not be impatiently put down by the reader because of its inaccuracies and misstatements. It......
The Poetry Of Rtlke Elegies From The Castle Of Duino.
By Rainer Maria Rake. Translated by V. Sackville-West and Edward Sackville-West. (Printed by the Cranach Press for the Hogarth Press. £3 3s.) RAINER MARIA RILKE, one of the......
Planter And Philosopher
The Soul of Malaya. By Henri Fauconnier, translated by Erie Sutton. (Elkin Matthews. 9s.) MANY Englishmen know and love Malaya, but their know- ledge of it, from the nature of......