21 NOVEMBER 1931, page 40

But Listen,! If This Process Of Deflation Has Got To

go on, let's get at it and deflate in earnest and with good will. I'll confess, if you will, that I wasn't brought up to drive in a taxi ; I'll confess, if you will, that till......

For All Of Which There Is, Of Course, Only One

remedy— Deflation. We have got to deflate. In fact, that is what we are doing now ; we are being deflated. People look about them in this saddening world and wonder what is......

Trojans All ; But How Dull They Are. All They

can talk of at dinner now is of the fall in copper, and the crash in rubber and the smash in wheat. Bright eyes grow dim with tears about the whispered rumour that bullock hides......


BY DAVID GARNETT. F OR the last ten years the Woodhouses have been living on the French coast of the Mediterranean, for only in a dry climate is Marcella safe from rheumatism.......