Sia,—I am surprised to read in the Spectator that the excellent results 'obtained by Dr. Brun with the teeth of the school children of Oslo are due to the Oslo Breakfast, for I have always thought that Dr. Brun himself attributed the excellent results to the efficient system of prophylatic dentistry which he introduced under the title of " Sub-occlusal treatment."
The children of Oslo were being poisoned by bad diet. The introduction of the Oslo Breakfast works an apparent miracle ; but it does not prove that a bad diet is the cause of dental caries.
It has been shown again and again that diet will not prevent or arrest dental caries with certainty, but it has been proved by many workers in different parts of the world that the evil effects of dental caries can be almost entirely prevented by very early prophylactic methods. These, however, must be instituted before the protective enamel cap of the tooth has been penetrated.—I am, Sir, &c.,