21 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 50


[To the Editor of the Si-nes-axon.] Snt,—We are now in the midst of the " Buy British " week. No nation can deny our right to adopt this expedient for the improvement of our internal trade, and to push the sale of our excellent British goods to our own people. We all hope that the campaign will be a great success.

But, as one who is no economist or financier, but is concerned about the ultimate effect of our trade policy, I would like to ask one question. Apart from the direct effect which the consequent lessening of imports may have on our exports, if (as may naturally happen) other nations follow our lead by undertaking similar home buying campaigns, what will be the effect of such intense nationalism on this crowded, highly industrialized island, which has, for the last 150 years, largely lived on its external trade Y—I am, Sir, &c., P. C.