The same Dublin paper which published Mr. O'CONNELL'S letter, the
Pilot, had a long leading article, which also has been !seethed, guessingly, to Mr. O'CONNELL. At any rate, it appears In a Journal supposed to be the organ of his opinions and policy. Aed it is a remarkable production, considering the quarter in which it appears ; being nothing else than an elaborate attack on the Administration of Lord MULGRAVE, on the ground of an improper and unpopular distribution of patronage. The Pilot also quotes the anonymous letter ill last Spectator on the conduct of the Irish Government, with general approval. More- 13...ver,. both the Dublin Freeman's Journal and the Morning Register' earnestly espouse the cause of the people of Lower The against Lord JOHN RUSSELL and the Colonial Tile Register, alluding to the successful rebellion of the Ameri- cains, says emphatically, that " they are fools is ho play with fire lv
elat the smoke of a ftgtner conflagration still blackens the [LATEST EDITION.
horizon." It puzzles the Solomons on this side the water to tell why the three Liberal newspapers of Dublin should have gone out of their usual course to attack the Whig Ministers in Eng- land and Ireland, for their domestic and Canadian policy. Is there at last something like an estrangement on the part of the Liberals from Lord MULGRAVE ; or is the whole a plan merely for driving Lord PLu:sitia out of office ?