News Of The Week.
THE business of a Tory tavern-keeper must be about the best now going. The newspapers are again filled with long reports of Con- servative dinners. Within a few days there have......
From Spain There Is No News Of Importance. The Friends
of the Pretender acknowledge that the last campaign has been a failure, and are now thinking how they can best maintain themselves during the winter. They boast of possessing......
The Queen Of The Netherlands, Sister Of The King Of
Prussia, died at the Hague on the 12th instant, of " a progressive decay of strength." In consequence of her death, the opening of the session of the States-General, on Monday......
Considerable Anxiety Prevails In Paris Respecting The...
It was currently reported and believed in Paris, at the beginning of the week, that the French army had actually entered Constantina, on the 9th instant ; and the Standard and......
Accounts From Naples, Dated The 5th Instant, Mention That...
King and his Ministers had been a good deal alarmed by the ap- pearance of a French squadron in the Bay of Naples. The object of this disagreeable visit was not known ; b it,......
The Same Dublin Paper Which Published Mr. O'connell's...
Pilot, had a long leading article, which also has been !seethed, guessingly, to Mr. O'CONNELL. At any rate, it appears In a Journal supposed to be the organ of his opinions and......