A letter from Mr. O'Connell to Lord Cloncurry appears in the Dublin Pilot of Monday last. Mr. O'Connell reminds Lord Clon- curry of an opinion be had given some time ago, that......
Much Conjecture Continues To Be Exercised In The City About
the movements of the Bank Directors, and as to their supposed investments in the Funds. The general conclusion is, that they had determined on, if they had not actually......
A correspondent of the Times gives the following account of some- thing very like a jub, connected with the University of Edinburgh. 1, When the Whigs were in office in 1805 (?)......
The Queen Has Made Mr.georgevilliers, Ambassador At...
Grand Cross of the Bath. The rumour that Lord Hill will give way to the Duke of Cam- bridge at the HorseGuards has been revived this week, by the Morning Herald. The Hertford......
Mr. O'connell Is Expected In Dublin On The 80th ;
and on the 31st the question of dissolving the General Association will be discussed in that assembly. We observe that the work of tithe-hunting has been renewed ; and that the......
The Mr. Vernon Harcourt Who Has Got The Prebendal Stall
in the Chapter of Carlisle, is a son of the Archbishop of York. It was un- derstood that the Archbishops and Bishops were not to present is these Cathedral sinecures ; but Dr.......