21 OCTOBER 1837, Page 15



Ireland Picturesque and Romantic. By Leitch Ritchie, Esq. With Nineteen En-

gravings, from Drawings by D. 11PCIlse, Esq., A.R.A., and T. Creswick, Esq.

Longman and Co.

The Christmas Library. Vol. I. Birds and Flowers. and other Country Things.

By Mary Howitt Dartun and Clark. 'NATURAL MISTORY, A History of British Birds, indigenous and migratory : including their Organiza- tion, Habits, and Relations; Remarks on Classification and Nomenclature; air Account of the principal Organs of Birds, and Observations relative to Practical Ornithology. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. By William Macgillivray, A.M., F.R.S.E., &c. Sc. &:e. Vol. I Scutt and Webster.


Notes on Nets; or the Quincunx Practically Considered. To which are added, Mis- cellaneous Memoranda. By the Honourable and Reverend Charles Bathurst, late Fellow of All Soul's College, Oxford. Van Most.


The Poetical Works of Robert Southey.eolleetedby Himself. In ten Volumes. Vol.'.

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Self.Formatiou, or the History of an Individual Mind ; intended as a Guide for the Intellect through Difficulties to Success. By a Fellow of a College. In 2 vols. Altioftt.