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In the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, Deputy Peacock, and Messrs. Collingwood, Bedford, Hunter, Dixon, and Anderton, being " the best-looking fellows in the Court," were appointed a depu- tation to accompany the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, arid Sheriffs, on the 9th of November, to receive the Queen on her entrance into the City. Some jokes were passed respecting the equestrian qualifications of the members deputed ; but it was stated that all of them had actually been seen on horseback, and had never tumbled off in the streets ; and there is the less reason to fear such an accident on the gland day, that Sir Peter Laurie, who is to act as Master of the Horse on the occasion, pledged himself to supply quadrupeds remarkable for steadiness and experience of crowds ; so that there would be no necessity of resorting to the discreditable expedient of dressing up dragoons like Common Councilmen. He would also take cure that the riders should be well fastened in their saddles; but nevertheless, he recommended the pru- dent precaution of having in few lessons in horsemanship before the time of public exhibition.
On the motion of Mr. W. Pritchard, a series of resolutions and a petition to Parliament, strongly recommending the adoption of Mr. Rowland Hill's plans for stamped envelopes for letters, and the quicker transmission of them by post, were tinanimoualy adopted.