ebe Catintru.
According to an elaborate statement in the Leeds Times, the actual majority of the Leeds constituency, notwithstanding the gain of the Tories on the claims and objections, is still—for Mr. Baines 490, for Sir William Molesworch 344; supposing that every registered elector is brought to the poll.
We can now understand why the Liverpool Tories were so loud and so clamorous on the subject of the objections served upon their vir- tuous friends the Old Freemen. The result of the revision has been the striking off of 369 "of this kind of cattle." While such a result most decidedly contradicts the Tory assertion that the Reformers were influenced by factious motives in the affair, it also fully accounts for the excitement displayed by the faction while the Court was sitting.— Liverpool Telegraph.
The Liverpool Reformers claim a gain of 614 votes on the entire registration.
Mr. Chambers, who revised the lists for the parish of Bethusden in
East Kent, gave an important decision in the following case of trus- teeship. Mr. Abraham Shilling, a Baptist minister, claimed a freehold as trustee of his chapel. He received 30/. a year, as minister, out of funds of which he was trustee. In giving judgment, Mr. Chambers said- " It has been said that there is a contradiction between the 23d and 26th sections of the Reform Act ; and persons have gone the length to censure the Legisla- ture, and to say that they had forgotten themselves when they framed both these sections. Hut a conjecture may he made to explain these supposed con- tradictions. It may be conjectured that a man may be a trustee for his own we and benefit, and that a man may be a trustee not for his own use and bene- fit. Here is 3 ease of a trustee in receipt of the rents and profits to his own use and benefit. This gentleman, as a minister, is to be looked upon as cestui 'lire trust; and as a trustee he is to be considered as a trustee alone. We will now ...onfiue ourselves to the argument just adduced. If he had qualified as Minister, lie would be wrong; but he has qualified rightly, as he is a trustee in receipt of the rents and profits to his own use :ind I milt. I lei e is a case to reconcile the supposed contradictory expressions in the Act of Parliament, and which will show that the Legislature was not so incautious as some imagine when it introduced the words in the sections alluded to. I hope that this case will illustrate the folly of those persons who loudly and largely censure those who are probably much wiser than themselves."