A lady in the neighbourhood of Egham has given the
whole of the compensation which she received as a slave-owner, amounting to a considerable sum, towards the endowment of a new church in that vicinity.
Three new Catholic chapels will be opened this week, with much pomp and ceremony. One is situated at Grace Dieu Manor, another at Mount St. Bernard, and the third at Whitwick.—Leicester Standard.
The Reverend Noel Ellison, Rector of Huntspill, under the Act for the Commutation of Tithes, at a meeting this week for the set. Clement of tithes, demanded and eventually got 6911. allowed to him; he has also in the parish lands which he lets for 7001. per annum clear; making an income of 1,391/. ; out of which be pays to the Master of Baliol College 4001. per annum, leaving to Mr. Ellison a clear income of 9911. per annum. Now, in the Ecclesiastical return, in 1833, Mr. Noel Ellison thus records the value of his living- Permaneut Average net income, not dandle;
Cross value. Yearly payment. Curate's stipend.
£1,018 ' £607 So that the difference between nn th4etlwo returns is well nigh to 400/— Globe. We dare say this is very far from being a singular case.] The daughter of the Honourable and Reverend Archibald Hamilton Cathcart, Vicar of Keppax near Leeds, and niece to Earl Cathcart, Lord Lynedoch's lady, and the Countess of Mansfield, eloped last week with a butcher of Leeds, who had been her father's coachman. Her younger sister accompanied her. The fugitives were overtaken, and the ladies carried home ; but as the butcher's beloved declared she would have him, they have since been married ; miss's fortune, which was considerable, having been settled upon herself.