The Dublin correspondent whose letter was inserted in last week's
Spectator, informs us that the Irish Tories are very active- " They are making preparations for Conservative festivals in every part of the country, where they will meet in vast numbers, and by exciting speeches and a display of their strength, add considerably to the potency of their party. The Dal by O'Grady system of dealing with agricultural electors is openly and generally practised, while exclusive dealing in boroughs is operating dreadfully against the Liberal voters. But then, the ejected tenantry of Sir Charles Coote in Queen's County, and the bankrupt shopkeepers in the large towns, have the consofation derivable from Lord Fitzwilliam's Doncaster speech I" The parsons, too, have opened the tithe campaign with vigour ; and the Exchequer Court will be kept in brisk employment. Our corre- spondent discredits the report of Lord PLUNKET'S retirement- " The nut-lour is evaporating in smoke; although some lawyers, who would wish to get rid of their temporary patriotic character by a retreat upon the bench, wish to believe it true. The legal business is generally on the decline, and the lawyers are consequently very dependent on the Government. I have been told, that for the Registeiship of the new Bankrupt Court, a very laborious office, with a salary of less than 3001 a year, ((vu or three dozen barristers were candidates. Jobbing never was in more active operation. What would you think or two of the well-paid Overseers of the Board of Works being employed in making a survey of Lord alorpeth's Irish estate?" [We should think that Lord llorpeth hail employed them at his nun expense : his personal character stands too hial, to justify suspicion of the insinuated meanness.1 " In a speech delivered by Ala 'lore O'Ferrall, in Kildare, he boasted of the generosity of Government in letting some Crown land to improving tenants on favourable terms: but the land is in a mountainous district, and not wintli at/. a year; and yet 31r. Weld, of the Woods and Forests, has been several times to itisNet it, awl an eraineer With a salary id e.,001. placed on the spot to cut out work for himself." dots look like a job.)