Consols have receded per cent. from the prices of last week. It was be- lieved that an investment to the extent of 600,0001, would be made on behalf of the East India Company ; and most of the dealers in stock prepared to supply the anticipated demand by purchasing extensively : but the Company, in- stead of investing their money, have lent it to the Bank of England, at a very low rate of interest ; and as a quantity of Stock is thus left on the market, the price has declined to the extent already quoted. Although the business trans- acted since our last report has not been extensive, there has been more appear. ance of activity than for some time.
In the Foreign Market, the Continental Stocks generally are in demand at improved prices, with the exception of Portuguese and Spanish Bonds. Both these descriptions of securities have declined ; the former from the doubt in which the payment of the next Dividend is involved, and the latter without any ostensible cause. The Portuguese agent and the principal capitalists connected with the Peninsula are using great exertions to raise the necessary funds by the 1st of December ; but the general belief seems to he that they will not succeed. The South American Stocks are heavy, with very little business doing ; and the disposition which recently existed for speculation in them seems fur the pre- sent to have ceased.
The Railway Shares are still neglected.
Consols have improved this morning, and have now recovered the quotation of last week ; the present price being 92i 9 for Money, and 92L 93 for the Account. With this exception, nearly all other varieties of Stock remain at yesterday's prices, with very little doing. Some of the South American are, however, nominally lower,—viz. Buenos Ayres 21 to 23 ; Chili 30 to 32; Co. lumbian 24 26; Mexican 27} 28; Peruvian 214 21i.
The Portuguese Bonds are the only description of Stock in which any material variation has occurred ; the others having generally been steady during the whole afternoon. The first ',aimed Stock has experienced a decline of more than I per cent. ; some sales having occurred by which the Five per
Cents. have been depressed to 359, and the Three per Cents. to : the market has, however, since rallied, and closes at 36 to 4 for the Five per Cents., and 2:11 24i for the Three per Cents. We are not aware that this decline has been caused by the receipt of any political intelligence, but believe it to be entirely referable to the doubt in which the payment of the next Dividend is involved.
3 per Cent. Consols 9211 il Brazilian 5 per Cents 83* 4
Ditto fur Account
921 93 Danish 711 2} 3 per Cent. Reduced 911 92 Dutch 2# per Cents 534 s New 3* per Cent. Anus 994 I Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts. 361 7} tank stock 209 210 Ditto 3 per Cent. .... 231 4* ludia Stock
Russian (1S22) 5 per Cent ... 114 Ditto Bonds 53 pm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent...
20* 11
Exchequer Bills Belglau 5 per Cents. 49 51 pm 1031 4 Deterred Stock Passive Ditto 61 1 4*