[To THE EDITOR Or TIII0 SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—I must question the accuracy of " G. P. W.'s " state- ment, in the Spectator of October 14th, on the subject of "Dreams and Smelling." I have observed and studied the phenomena of dreaming and sleeping for some years, and have bad several dreams in which I thought I perceived smells of various kinds. I have also made experiments on sleeping people which tend the same way. I once held a piece of scented soap under the nose of a boy asleep and was struck by the rapid and dog-like contractions and dilatations of his [We have received more than thirty letters on this subject, and can consequently publish none. With scarcely an excep- tion, they all tell the same story; and we must therefore admit, which we do readily, that our correspondent, "G. P. W.," was mistaken. People do dream of smells.—En. Spectator.]