21 OCTOBER 1893, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HERE is some news this week from Mashonaland. The Chartered Company's forces having defeated the enemy in two small battles, have effected their junction, and are mov- ing on......

* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


Notice To Advertisers.

-4-- With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, November 4th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To......

The News From Austria Is Very Strange. It Is Believed

on all hands that Count Taaffe and his Emperor intend to recede from their determination to introduce a nearly universal suffrage. The nationalities, it appears, have caught our......

The New York Correspondent Of The Daily News, Who Is

usually right, announces (October MI) that President Cleve- land has come to a most important resolution. He has resolved to set the Senate, and possibly the law, aside alto-......

France Lost Marshal Maomahon On Tuesday, The Ex-president...

of old age at eighty-five, one year older than Mr. Gladstone. He was a good but not great soldier, and an honest but vacillating politician, who owed his hold upon France,......

The Event Of The Week On The Continent Has Been

the reception of. the Russian Admiral and his officers in Paris. It was almost Royal. The Admiral was received on Tues- day at the railway station by representatives of all the......