Though During The Week A Good Many More Miners Have
gone back to work at the old rates, the vast majority are still out—the men kicking to their old demand, and the masters requiring a 15 per cent. reduction as their irreducible......
The London School Board, With Its Vast Experience, Finds It
necessary to modify its ideas on the subject of corporal punishment. It hoped, we believe, once to do without it altogether, and that hope proving illusory, it entrusted the......
A Letter In Monday's Times, Signed By William Frazer, T.
Lauder Brunton, and Malcolm M. McHardy, the th.•ee doctors attending Dr. Herz, draws attention to the position in which their patient is placed by the operation of the......
The Unemployed And The Socialists Are Beginning, Much To The
scandal of the Gladstonians, to demand that some of the magnificent abstractions floated by them shall be reduced to cash down. On Monday, Sir Charles Russell met in Hackney......
On Saturday Last, Lord Penhryn, As Chairman Of The North
Wales Property Defence Association, gave evidence before the Welsh Land Commission. He denied most emphatically the suggestion, " made in a question in the syllabus of the......
On Wednesday, Lord Randolph Churchill Addressed A...
Bedford, presided over by the Duke of Bedford. After hurling at the head of Mr. Whitbread, the sitting Member for the town, a series of extracts from the Spectator, Lord......
Bank Bate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (21 1 ) were on Friday 98i.......
The Times Of Monday Gives An Interesting Account Of The
revised Belgian Constitution, under which power will pass from 140,000 privileged electors to 1,200,000 citizens, and in which has been inserted a check never before attempted......