The London School Board, with its vast experience, finds it
necessary to modify its ideas on the subject of corporal punishment. It hoped, we believe, once to do without it altogether, and that hope proving illusory, it entrusted the cane to head-masters only. The teachers, however, found that they must use it occasionally, and did so, whereupon they were pretty frequently fined by Magistrates, who neverthe- less thought the fining rather ridiculous. The Board have therefore, by 27 to 12, agreed that the cane must be kept by the head-master, but that the assistant may send for it if necessary, the idea being that the head-master shall always know if punishment is inflicted, and if a subordinate resorts frequently to the punishment. That seems a reason- able compromise. Great fear was expressed lest the parents should take offence at the new rule, and vote against its advocates ; but the majority are, we fanny, too sensible for that. The votes rest as yet with the fathers, who certainly do not hesitate, when needful, to " warm " their children effectually.