The unemployed and the Socialists are beginning, much to the
scandal of the Gladstonians, to demand that some of the magnificent abstractions floated by them shall be reduced to cash down. On Monday, Sir Charles Russell met in Hackney with a very disturbed reception from a body of unemployed who had marched to the meeting with a banner inscribed, " We want food for our wives and children. Give us work to get it, or by God we will take it! "—a sentiment not nearly so neatly turned as the old " right to live working or to die fighting." After a good deal of disturbance, Sir Charles Russell made a speech pitched in a very humble key, assuring thhe meeting that the Government would do everything it could for the unemployed, and that Mr. Fowler "would be very slow indeed ;to put in force his powers of vets in respect of extra expenditure on relief works incurred by local boards. We wonder how Mr. Fowler, who, after all, is a Cabinet Minister and not Sir Charles Russell's subordinate, will like being committed in this way to a policy of public works.