[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SnEt,—I am sending you
by this mail two issues of New India, a paper published by the Bengalese, and from which you will see the progress of the " Swadeshi " (home-made) boycott movement. This movement was started as a protest against the partition of Bengal. Bengal should be parted ; it is a right move, and will re-establish the old capital of Bengal--.• Dacca—as capital of the new province. The Bengalese are always on the look out for a grievance, and this partition is a God-send to them. Their last outcry was re the "Age of Consent" Bill that was passed, making it criminal to wed . (cohabit with) a girl under twelve years of age. In that agitation it was predicted that a revolution would take place,
but as soon as the measure became law not a word was said