[to The Editor Or The "spectirort."] Sie,—your Review Of...
Nicholson's book in last week's Spectator omits (as possibly the Professor does) to notice the incidence of agricultural rates on the third partner in the concern,—viz., the......
Concert, Lecture, And Theatre Tickets For The Blind.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Si,—You have generously asked me to give an account of the founding in America of the Free Tickets Bureaux for the Blind. Some years ago my......
The Christian Conscience And The Conduct Of Trade.
[TO THE Emma OP THE "SPECTATOR."] am glad to see that you have printed a letter on this subject in your issue of October 14th, and I wish some one would write you another every......
Ito The Editor Op The .sprorszott.~] Sra,—in Your...
of October 14th on "Small Holdings" you rightly deprecate the expenditure of too much money upon farm buildings, and ask why a small bolder should not be allowed to provide......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Snet,—i Am Sending You
by this mail two issues of New India, a paper published by the Bengalese, and from which you will see the progress of the " Swadeshi " (home-made) boycott movement. This......