21 OCTOBER 1905, page 2

And For Themselves On The Fiscal Question." There Was, He

declared, a remarkable resemblance between the agitation for the repeal of the Union and the agitation for the repeal of Free-trade. If Mr. Gladstone had not taken up Home-rule,......

Mr. Chamberlain Has Written A Letter To The Norwood Branch

of the Tariff Reform League in regard to a resolu- tion which they propose to pass. This resolution in effect defines the policy of Mr. Balfour as a Tariff Reform policy, and......

Sir Edward Grey Was The Principal Speaker At A Liberal

meeting held in Manchester on Friday week. The speech was strong and sensible throughout, but we particularly welcome the tone of his references to foreign policy and the......

It Is Through Indulging Delusions Such As These That The

Unionist Free-traders run so imminent a risk of suffering extinction. If, instead, they will face the facts, and fight whole-heartedly for Free-trade and against all its......

Sir Edward Grey's Reference To Chinese Labour Was Equally...

and satisfactory. "It was said that a Liberal Government would be a danger to the Empire because it would stop the importation of Chinese labour into the Transvaal, and would......

Lord Hugh Cecil Delivered A Most Interesting And Sugges-...

address at the opening meeting of the Glasgow Parlia- mentary Debating Association on Friday week. Beginning with an analysis of Conservatism as a school of thought, Lord Hugh......

In Macedonia. They Have Insisted That The Sultan Shall Allow

them to take the financial control of the province, and so terminate at least one of the many causes of disorder there, and have even appointed Agents to early out reforms. The......

Kingsway, The New Thoroughfare From The Strand To...

formally opened on Wednesday by King Edward. In replying to the Address presented by the Chairman of the London County Council, the King spoke of the practical advantage to the......