Kingsway, the new thoroughfare from the Strand to Holborn, was
formally opened on Wednesday by King Edward. In replying to the Address presented by the Chairman of the London County Council, the King spoke of the practical advantage to the Metropolis of the addi- tional routes for traffic now opened, adding that, "the improvement will do much to beautify the capital of my Empire, and will be a perpetual memorial of the capacity and enterprise of your Council,"—a compliment much appreciated by a body which has come in for an undue share of hostile criticism. A special feature of the ceremony was the presentation of a petition from the Borough Council of Poplar setting forth the claims of the unem- ployed for consideration in a special Session of Parliament, to which the King returned a sympathetic reply. The ceremony was witnessed by the members of the Paris Municipal Council, who have not only been entertained by the London County Council during the week, but, by a judicious arrangement admirably calculated to bring hosts and guests into closer personal touch, have been put up in the private houses of their London colleagues.