/74 British Trade Year - Book, 1905. By John Holt Schooling. (John
Murray. 10s. 6d. net.)—Year-books and the like are commonly understood to be non-party productions. One does not, for instance, inquire whether the London Post Office Directory is Conservative or Radical But this is not Mr. Soho°ling's idea of a year-book. Here is his "conclusion of the whole matter" :—" Our so-called Free Trade is a sham; our sacrosanct Free Trade does not exist and never has existed; the alleged most Favoured nation treatment by Foreign countries is rendered nugatory by their tariffs, which cause the most Favoured nation treatment of our goods to be something not worth having; we have no regard for Fair-play for our trade, and we neglect our trade by the Foolish policy of laissez-Faire. We give more attention to economic Fancy than to economic Fact, and we are content to be Fooled by a Fantasy of Fallacious capital F's." These matters have been discussed in the columns of the Spectator, not once or twice only. Our function in these columns is discharged when we say that it would be well to use literary rather than typographical emphasis.