[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOE."3 BIR,—In a mathematical examination I once asked the boys to define the word " prism." One boy answered : "A prism is a kind of sphinx," and illustrated his answer by a picture of a pyramid. Among a number of " howlers " I collected fifteen or sixteen years ago, chiefly from the University Correspondent, the following are worthy of reproduction :— " A cuckoo is a bird that does not lay its own eggs."
Q. "Name six animals peculiar to the Polar regions."— A. "Three hears and three seals."
"The Pope lives in a vacuum."
"A decease is an incurable disease."
"Magna Carta said that Common Pleas should not be carried about on the King's person."
"The Sublime Porte is very fine old wine."
" Rubens is a town in Belgium famous for paint."
Translations: Leges Romencrrum sererae erant: "The legs of the Romans were severed."—Clara illa Romano civitas. "Clara, that Roman citizenees."—Hostis ipst. " A host in himself."— L'encre eat :eche. "Uncle is dry."—So woe-begone. "Si triste, allez-vous en."