The Starry. Pool, And Other Tales. By Stephen G. Tallents.
(Liverpool : The University Press. London : Constable and ('o. 3s.)—These sketches are concerned with the intimate private life of a discharged officer with his wife and babies.......
Memoirs Of The Duke De Gaint-simon. An Abridged...
Notes by Francis Arkwright. Vols. V. and VI. (Stanley Paul. 12s. 6d. net each.)—Mr. Arkwright may be congratulated on the completion of his scholarly abridgment of Saint-Simons......
Mr. Warde Fowlers Charming Commentaries On The Seventh...
books of the Aeneid, Virgil' e " Gathering of the Clans" aid Aeneas at the Site of Rome (Oxford : Blackwell ; 4s. 6d. net each), have evidently pleased many readers, since they......
LOVE ETERNAL.• SIR RIDER HAGGARD, who has already some fifty volumes to his credit, shows no falling off in vigour or inventiveness in his new romance. In She, one of his......
Some Recollections.* It Is Self-recorded Of Mr. Kipling's...
McAndrews, that he "started as a boiler-whelp—when steam and he were low, I mind the time we used to serve a broken pipe wi' tow." Cyprian Arthur George Bridge, whose miniature,......
Some Books Of The Week.
Wolk. in this column does noi necessarily preclude subsequent reotaal The Foundations of Germany. By J. Ellis Barker. (J. Murray. 12s. net.)—In this second ed i tion of his......