Internationalization Of Channels Connecting The Baltic...
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Si,—The internationalization of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles is a hackneyed topic. In view, however, of the numerous projects on foot and......
" War And Revolution In Asiatic Russia." [to The Editor
or THE "SPECTATOR.") Sta,—Will you allow an Armenian to express his gratitude for the frank and fair review of Mr. Philips Price's book, War and Revo- lution in Asiatic Russia,......
The Society Of Friends And The War.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " EISICTIT011."1 STR,—It has been an excellent habit of the members of the Society of Friends to discuss their differences within their own meetings and......
A Proud Swan.
[To THE EDITOR or rem " SPECTATOR."] Fefer0/101) to the correspondence in the Spectator on of the usual nvinher of a swan's brood, it may be Sia,—With the subject a interest to......
Anglo-american Brotherhood.
(To THE EDITOR OF rag" SPECTATOR.‘1 SIR,—Very telling at the present juncture is the following excerpt from Whittier's poem "To Englishmen," published in 1863 :— "0 Englishmen!......
The Household Fuel And Lighting Order. (to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—Perhaps you will kindly allow me a little space to tell the " Fuel Overseer that his hopeful forecast as to my allowance of coal has not been fulfilled.......