When the Austrian Note was launched, it also became known
that Germany had niatte a secret proposal to Belgium, offering to restore her ". independence " after the war if Belgium would at once resume her neutrality—so that the Allies could not pursue the de- feated German armies across the German-Belgian frontier. This proposal was qualified by the condition that Belgium must observe her old Commercial Treaties giving Germany a virtual control of Belgian trade. Further, Belgium must promise to deal with "the Flemish question" as Germany wished, and must ask for no in- demnity or reparation for the terrible wrongs done to her by the Germans. Moreover, Belgium must -use her good offices to induce the Allies to give back the lost colonies to .Gennany. It seems in- -credible that Germany can have supposed fore Impotent that Belgium would lookat such an insolent and ignoble offer. Belgium of course rejected it, after consultation with her Allies.