Mr. Alfred Butler, M.D., has this week brought on himself
a fatal notoriety. Mary Green, wife of a carpenter, being near her con- finement, agreed to pay Dr. Gardiner 16s. to attend her. Dr. Gardi- ner sold his business to Dr. Butler, and when the time arrived Mary Green sent for the new owner of the "practice." Dr. Butler went, found the woman in labour, inquired as to payment, and left the louse because the poor woman could only pay him by instalments. He told her husband to go to the workhouse, and the workhouse Bumbles told him to produce his marriage certificate. The hus- band, who could not have got it for hours, went back to Dr. Butler, but he iiat4 refused to go, and the poor woman unattended died from rupture of the womb. Is there no governing body in the profession which can take notice of a case like this, no power -analogous to that of disbarring? A few more such cases and Englishmeriwill begin to question whether there are not crimes as well as sins of omission.