22 APRIL 1865, page 3

British Railways Yesterday And On Thursday Week The...

off at the following quotatiobs :— Thuraday, April C aledonian .. .. .. .. .. In Great Eastern .. .. 4114 Great Northern .. .. .. .. 134 Great Western.. .. .. .. .. 75/ Do. West......

M. L'hiers Must Surely Have Caught Moral Qualities From...

Philippe. On Thursday week last he made a speech upon Italy fall of the cynical selfishness which overthrew the House of Orleans. He denounced Italian unity and supported the......

Is Memorial Diplomatique Publishes The Correspondence Be-...

and the Em,peror Maximilian upon the subject of his recent decrees. The drift of the Papal reply, which is dated 5th of March, was known before, but the text contains two .......

Charles Dickens, In One Of His Wildest Moods, Makes Sam

Weller tell a story of a man who, to prove that muffins were wholesome, ate three shillings' worth of muffins on principle, "toasted 'em all, buttered 'em all, eat 'em all, and......

If Brigham Is Again To Be Selected For The Easter

Monday Review thr, Brighton police must keep better watch over their beach at tight. At present it is on Easter Monday a "dark walk" of the worst kind. Policemen have nothing to......

A Carious Ease Of Child-stealing Was Heard At Leeds On

Tuesday. Caroline Walton, wife of a cabman, was childless, and believed that her husband disliked her on that account. She therefore stole the child of one Bridget O'Connor......

Mr. Alfred Butler, M.d., Has This Week Brought On Himself

a fatal notoriety. Mary Green, wife of a carpenter, being near her con- finement, agreed to pay Dr. Gardiner 16s. to attend her. Dr. Gardi- ner sold his business to Dr. Butler,......

There Is Hope For Ireland Yet. The Priests Of Louth

have returned to Parliament Mr. Kennedy, a Presbyterian, because they agreed with his political opinions. Mr. Kennedy apparently made no religious concessions, and was really......

The Directors Of The Amicable Society Have Concluded A Pro-

visional arrangement with the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, by which the latter will guarantee the payment of all claims upon the Amicable at the rate of 227/. for every......

The Consol Market Has Ruled Heavy During The Week, And

a fall has taken place in prices. On Saturday last the closing price for money was 90i, 91; for account, 91. Yesterday the latest official quotations were :—For delivery, 90i ;......

The Following Were The Closing Prices Of The Leading Foreign

Securities yesterday and on Thursday week :— Greek Do. Coupons Mecican Spanish Passive • • .. Do. Certificates Turkish 6 per Cents., 1.858.. 1862 ConsoiLds... Thursday, April......

Messrs. Terry And Burch, Respectively Manager And...

late Unity Bank, were acquitted on Thursday of the charge of having unlawfully conspired to publish a false balance-sheet of the affairs of that bank. Mr. Justice Smith, in......

The Russian Government Has Concluded A Contract With Two...

Messrs. Collins and Sibley;for an electric telegraph from the Author to California via Belsring's Straits. The distance is 7,000 miles, and the line will paw through territories......