Herr Von Bismark Is Evidently Of Danton's Opinion As To
the political value of audacity. He has actually introduced into the Prussian Chamber a Bill for establishing the Prussian fleet at Kiel, thus as it were annexing that grand......
The Emperor Received The Address Of The Corps Legislatif On
Monday, and informed the deputies that "through the electoral movement and the voice of the tribune and the press France feels that it is free," and that "the labouring and the......
The Volunteer Review At Brighton On Easter Monday Passed Off
with remarkable spirit and success. 20,000 volunteers were under arms on the ground, considerably more than on any former occasion, and so we hope to be spared any further talk......
The Report On The Russian Epidemic Published By The Medical
officer of the Privy Council is on the whole re-assuring. It appears that two diseases are now prevailing in the North of Europe, one at St. Petersburg and the other about the......
If Brigham Is Again To Be Selected For The Easter
Monday Review thr, Brighton police must keep better watch over their beach at tight. At present it is on Easter Monday a "dark walk" of the worst kind. Policemen have nothing to......
A Most Discreditable Incident Is Reported From Madrid....
either fear or pretend to fear a revolution, and Marshal Narvaez is determined to warn the people of the conse- to be brought to a port where overcrowding and low diet are......
It Is The Same At Rome. An English Gentleman Named
Spiers last week won a steeplechase there ; his colours were red and green, and he, without a thought of anything beyond making himself look as well as he could, threw over both......
Pio Nono Has Abandoned The Rt5le Of Suffering Angel Which
he has played so long, and has made the first advances towards reconciliation with Italy. He has addressed a letter to Victor Emanuel, requesting him in courteous, almost kindly......
A Writer In The Pall Mall Gazette, Who Signs Himself
"W. R. G.," has contrived, we think, to reach the ne plum ultra of philosophical wickedness. In a thoughtful and temperate letter, marred as a composition only by half a dozen......