NEw EnrrioNs.—In the "Library of Standard Biographies" (Hutchinson and Co.,
Is. net), The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, by John Forster, edited by Roger Ingpen. This is a reprint from the third and abridged edition. The editor has added a few notes, and given a brief biography of the author. The sonnet prefixed, with its opening phrase, "genius and its rewards," indicates the view taken by Forster of Goldsmith's life. That he had genius cannot be doubted, but the " rewards " were largely of his own devising.—A History of the Theories of Production and Distribu, tires in English Political Economy, 1776-1848. By Edwin Canna; LL.D. (P. S. King and Son. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. E. N. Buxton seasonably reprints his A.B.C. of Free-Trade (Cassell and Co., 8d.)