The Cobden Club And The New Fiscal Policy. •
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR, —Will you permit me through your columns to make an appeal to Free-traders without regard to party distinctions to support the Cobden......
The Alleged Excess Of Imports.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Srn.,—A constant reader for over twenty-five years of your valuable paper, but by no means an out-and-out supporter of your views on fiscal......
The Sugar Convention Bill.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECT■TQR:1 Sin,—Your footnote is, perhaps, a sufficient answer to Mr. Czarnikow (Spectator, August 15th); and one certainly gets tired of following the......
Peckforton And Horsley Bath.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.'i SIR,—The questions contained in the letter on "Classical Quotations" in the Spectator of August 8th tempt me to ask a similar question about......
[to Tile Editor Op The "spicrievon..1 Sin,—sir Joseph...
who has been painting in the Times a doleful picture of the tinplate trade as an industry ruined by hostile tariffs, will be interested to learn that Sir John Jones Jenkins, a......
What Protection Comes To In The End.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] ;...iiu,—The enclosed cutting from the Iron Age of July 23rd may interest your readers.—I am, Sir, &a., . 24 Pitudrary Square, London, B.C.......