22 AUGUST 1903, page 3

But Though We Welcome The Experiment, Mr. Pulitzer Will, We

fear, find that his larger ideas will fail. He might as well try to breed poets as journalists. No education, no training, no gifts even, will make a successful journalist......

The Papers Are Telling A Story Of A Multi-millionaire, One

Pedro Alvarado, who has just died in Mexico. Four years ago he was a working miner, but he discovered the Palmillo silver mine, and became suddenly immensely rich. His wealth......

The Newspapers Of Last Saturday Published A Very Striking...

dealing with the fiscal controversy signed by fourteen Professors and Lecturers of Political Economy, among whom are Mr. Leonard Courtney, Mr. Edgeworth, Mr. Alfred Mar- shall,......

On Tuesday Was Published A Letter From Mr. Chamberlain...

to Mr. Boscawen which contains the following statement :—" I have never suggested any tax whatever on raw materials, such as wool or cotton, and I believe that such a tax is......

Mr. Chamberlain's Fiscal Policy Has Acted As A Splendid...

to Sir William Harcourt. No better evidence of his welcome restoration to health could be forthcoming than his vigorous, witty, and genial letter in the Times of Wednesday.......

Mr. Chamberlain Will, Of Course, Be Able To Do Nothing

of the kind. No doubt he can take part of the duties off tea and sugar and tobacco, but if he does he will not be able to recover the money lost to the Treasury by a bread and......

A Tax On Corn, Continues Sir William Harcourt, Is Not

only essential to the realisation of "the Chamberlain policy," but it must be a considerable tax, and "all the ability of Mr. Chamberlain will fail to convince the most simple......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

Consols (21 per mot.) were on Friday 901.......