22 DECEMBER 1923, Page 11


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—From the fact of the publication in your issue of December 8th of " Commoner's " letter regarding life mem- bership by instalments, I infer that the suggestion is one the adoption of which would not be considered in the light of a remote contingency. Although the terms quoted for life membership are as reasonable as could conceivably be expected, I, for somewhat similar reasons to those of " Commoner," had to put the aspiration behind me. If, after careful consideration, the difficulties that would be involved in such a scheme as that now mooted were found to be surmountable, it is my humble opinion that every scope should be given for the support of such movements as have taken place in connexion with the Spectator and the Times. The securing of the two most profound and progressively civilizing influences represented in these organs from the deviations to which autocracy, class and political interests render others liable is an epoch-making achievement to the maintenance of which many of your poorer readers would wish to contribute were an opportunity, such as that sug- gested, given them to do so.—I am, Sir, &c., ALEX. DORRITY.

10 St. Kevin's Gardens, Upper Rathmines, Dublin.