22 DECEMBER 1923, page 1

Mr. Asquith Then Said :— " The Dissolution Of Parliament

is in this country one of the prerogatives of the Crown. It is not a mere feudal survival, but it is part, and I think a useful part, of our constitutional system, for which......

Thus, We Have All The Data Before Its By Which

to predict the course of politics during the next Session. It is obvious that the Government must go out and that Labour must go in. It seems difficult to 'resist Mr. Asquith's......

We Have Written In Our Leading Columns On Mini- Sterial

prospects and what in the circumstances the Labour Party can expect and have a right to expect. We do not, however, want our readers to suppose that we have the slightest......

* * * * There Remained, Therefore, One More Party

decision to make, and that not the least important. This was the decision of the Liberal Party. On Tuesday, at the meeting of the Liberal Members of the House of Commons, at the......

News Of The Week.

W HEN we wrote last week, only the first of the series of important political decisions necessitated by the election had been taken. That was Mr. Baldwin's decision to remain in......