22 DECEMBER 1923, page 3

On Thursday, December 13th, Lord Alfred Douglas Was...

six months' imprisonment in the Second Division for a criminal libel on Mr. Winston Churchill, whom he had charged with concocting a false report about the Battle of Jutland for......

General Smuts, In A Speech Made In South Africa, And

Mr. Massey, in an interview just before his departure for New Zealand, have both spoken strongly on the necessity of carrying through such promises of Imperial preferences as......

The Judge In Such Cases Is Also In A Difficulty,

because, well knowing that there is little to be said for the prisoner, he must not appear to be unfairly restricting whatever in the nature of a case the defending counsel can......

The Position Of The Caliph, Who By The Act Of

Mustapha Kemal and the Grand National Assembly at Angora has been stripped of nearly all his powers spiritual and tem- poral is causing trouble in Turkey. The Times has pub-......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.

July 5, 1923; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Wednesday, 99kt , Thursday week, 100 fi; a year ago, 99i.......

* * * * The Times Of Friday, December 14th,

published a letter from Bishop Bury, correcting a statement, which was recently attributed to him, and to which we called atten- tion at the time, that the Orthodox Church in......

It Seems That The Aga Khan And Mr. Ameer Ali

posted their warnings simultaneously to Constantinople and Angora. When the letter was received at Constantinople it was published by three Turkish editors in their news- papers......

If This Is To Be The Rule The Dominion Prime

Ministers (who come as it is at the greatest inconvenience to them. selves and their countries) will hesitate to come in future, and a great instrument of Imperial organization......

On Tuesday The Tangier Convention Was Signed By The...

of France, .Spain and Great Britain, although the Spaniard reserved the right of ratification at Madrid. The best that _ean be said of the result of the Convention is that it......