22 DECEMBER 1923, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sia,—As one of your American readers I am constrained to send you my most indignant protest against the com- munication on " The Effects of Protection in America," by Oswald Garrison Villard, which appeared on page 795 of your issue for November 24th. The letter referred to, I submit, is unfair, untruthful, and grossly partisan, in spirit and substance. Few political party men, even as bitter in his feelings as Mr. Villard's letter indicates he is, would venture to assert, at least in an American publication, as he is permitted to do in your valued English one, that " more than one Presidential Election has been bought and sold in precisely this way " ; after asserting, " the Parties blackmail the manufacturers and the manufacturers blackmail the Parties." Furthermore, Mr. Villard's peculiar actions and utterances during the World War were not such as commended him to his fellow-countrymen then, or qualified him to speak as a representative American now.—I am, Sir, &C.,


Montclair, N.J., U.S.A., December 5th.