22 DECEMBER 1923, Page 20

THE MASTERY OF THE KEYBOARD. By George Denham. (Cecil Palmer.

5s. net.)

In this book there are no new theories for attaining virtu- osity, but very helpful suggestions for beginners and for pianists who have reached a moderate proficiency, and, as often hap- pens, can make little further progress. One of the worst habits a pianist can acquire is to look at his fingers when play- ing. Unless he can feel his way about the keyboard his interpretation will be hampered by uncertainty and hesitation. Mr. Denham is a teacher of experience, and his procedure in enabling pupils to overcome this difficulty has been well tested. Anyone who will undergo the very simple mental process required by Mr. Denham in linking note with note and chord with chord will attain to a more flexible and sure control of the keyboard. Like Mr. Hambourg, Mr. Denham believes that the fingers should always be kept close to the instrument.