22 DECEMBER 1923, Page 22

In America there are about three million Jews. Half of

this number lives in New York City. Of the whole number, about 500,000 arc Spanish and German Jews. The other 2,500,000 are " Polish " or " Eastern " Jews, descendants of the Khazars, originally a Turkish or Mongolian people, and the only non-Hebraic people who -have adopted- -the Jewish religion. That the existence of such a situation in America should present various interesting problems is inevitable. These Mr. Hendrick describes in a lively and unprejudiced, though perhaps a rather categorical, manner. When he comes to argue from his material, however, Mr. Hendrick discloses the insufficiency of his research. - His conclusions are not always logical, and do not necessarily folio* from his premises. But Mr. Hendrick, 'fortunately, has no axe to grind.