22 DECEMBER 1928, Page 1

The -news- from -Afghanistan has been disturbing and reassuring by

turns. It is known, however, that the British--,Minister,-at--Kabul -is- safe:- -A -British'aeroplane was shot down by the rebels, though the crew were for- tunately uninjured. The Legation has signalled to other reconnoitring aeroplanes to fly high. Apparently the Minister has been assured by the rebels that the Legation will be respected. King Amanullah's reforms have un- questionably caused a serious revolt. It is not only that religious frenzy has been stirred by the rapid- Westerni- zation ; the great expenditure necessary for the reforms has caused a heavy increase in taxation and simultaneously a failure to pay the Army. It is possible to sympathize with the King's general purpose and still to think that he has moved too fast.

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