Patricidal Robins.
In spite of the host of observers, many odd questions in respect of the life of birds remain unanswered. For example, it is a popular belief—on which one query reaches me— that......
The Young Of The Domestic Fowl Have A Quite Peculiar
fondness for the back of their mother ; and this may indicate the likelihood of a flying bird carrying its young. But it would be a precarious perch ; and I doubt whether any......
Vanishing Mistletoe.
How is it that mistletoe is vanishing from England ? It used to grow on many more species of tree and in much greater quantity, though never perhaps as freely as it grows on the......
Elms And Sparrows.
If we were asked what tree and what bird were the toughest, the most irrepressible, the least vulnerable, we should answer the elm and the house sparrow. Yet within the year,......
His Suggested Figures Of Essential Bankruptcy In The...
too grimly exaggerated. A good deal of money has been made this year by intensive cultivation in South Lincolnshire, which is the eye of England, by the growers of potatoes and......
Young-carrying Birds.
The very interesting question whether birds carry their young has been put to me by a correspondent of the Spectator. It is now absolutely proved that the woodcock will carry......
Country Life
A GLOOMY LANDOWNER. In a speech delivered during the course of the Smithfield Show, Sir Walter Gilbey declared, with all the emphasis he could muster, that eighty, if not ninety......
Our Healthy Birds.
Maladies among our birds are very rare. Pigeons, here as in North America, may suffer most distressfully from throat diseases, and the numbers differ enormously—especially in......