22 DECEMBER 1928, page 17

What Is Wrong With British Agriculture ?

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--The suggestions with which Mr. Boving concludes his articles in your issues of November 24th and December 1st are t minently......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

was much interested in Mr. Boving's articles on " Agriculture," and particularly in his reference to Denmark. There is one point which he did not mention, and upon which perhaps......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin,--There seems to be a misconception about these Govern- ment 'fauns which Mr. riming ailvaeates; In your fOotnoie to my first letter - you speak of them as " experimental."......

• Exposition Of The American Sentiment Toward The...

That is, as it appears to an American of English blood who at least has travelled abroad and has been in practically every large city in the United States. . - - • The-American......