22 DECEMBER 1928, Page 19


Fixt,—Upon returning to America, after a somewhat extended stay in England, I should like to say a brief word. I have in mind the relationship between. England and America. So persistently have I reflected upon it, and so intensely, that my thoughts have become condensed to the degree of admitting of expression in a single sentence : America has one natural ally—England ; England has one natural ally—America. It sounds simple, naive, even superficial. But then all distilled thought is thus. Subjected to a careful scrutiny, its results gradually unfold.

Suppose England were in trouble, to whom would she turn, to whom could she turn ? I mean by .way of spon- taneous orientation, not Pacts. In which direction would her instincts, her feelings of racial and spiritual congeniality prompt her to turn ? Suppose America were in trouble, in serious, prolonged trouble. Where among the Powers were she to find a people to whom she could look with confidence ? There is no necessity to say any -more, is there ?

In a world crisis England without America would stand terribly exposed ; just as America, critically placed, would be ruthlessly pushed by unfriendly nations on her own continent, and by envious and restless Powers from else- where, were England to remain neutral.

A. close, unwritten understanding between England and America is essential to the continuity of their peaceful exist- ence. And it is the one safe guarantee of world peace and universal stability. Suspicion, envy, and apprehension would of themselves fall away. Between real friends any particular act is of no lasting, moment. The spirit is what counts. If America desires to increase her tonnage—let her. If England seeks to increase her aircraft—let her. But one of the psychological effects of a mutually trustful attitude would be the realization that such particular steps need not be taken.

Together America and England would be invincible ; separately they may or may not win the day.—I am, Sir, &c.,