One more of the caucuses which for so long dishonoured
the name of politics in Europe has gone by the board in the virtual annihilation of the so-called Liberal Party, under M. Bratianu, in Rumania. The elections, both to the Lower House and the Senate, have been a signal triumph for the National Peasant Party, and particularly for Dr. Maniu himself. In the first returns for the Senate the National Peasants have made a gain of one hundred and ten seats, as against the thirteen seats they had in the last Senate, and the handful of Opposition members in the new Chambers are seen to be Magyar candidates rather than Bratianu men. Dr. Maniu has already shown statesmanlike quality both in resisting the attempt of some of his followers to foist Prince Carol upon the Peasant cause, and in checking the hot- heads of his party at the Alba Julia demonstration last May. " A bold peasantry, their country's pride," has thus rescued Rumania from her slough of despond, and already in the first few weeks of its administration the new Coalition Government has gone a long way towards abolishing the martial law and the Press censorship, which were two of the " amenities " of the Bratianu rule.