Seven weeks ago, M. Vintila Bratianu resigned in the face
of 'grave financial difficulties, a currency depreciated and liable still to considerable fluctuations, all this being the result of Nationalist finance, of which the latest example was the rejection of the League of Nations loan facilities earlier in the year. Dr. Maniu welcomes foreign capital, and has begun negotiations for credits already. No doubt the assistance of the League will also be invoked, if only in a technical and advisory capacity. We are confident, too, that a solution will be found before long of the long-standing Optants dispute with Hungary, for Dr. Maniu is himself a Transylvanian and understands how the trouble arose. The eclipsed oligarchy of Bucharest had never ceased to look upon Transylvania as a conquered province and took no account of the local conditions. The new Prime Minister will surely lose no time in restoring to its peasant popula- tion the condition of local autonomy enjoyed even under Hungarian rule.
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