" The' nightingale of the garden' of Shiraz" burst into
full- throated song in 1258. Six hundred and thirty years later, Sir Richard' Burton brought back to us some sound and scent of that " time of the dominion of roses " by translating the Guattan' of Sa'di. It is extraordinary (and lamentable) that another forty years should have gone by before the public have asked for a reprint, but it is now given us at the modest price of 10s. 6d. by Messrs. Philip. Allen, with beautiful print and illustrations. This is a delightful gift book.. The neatness and vigour of Sa'di is a constant source of refreshment ; should any disagree, we can only quote the poet : " If in the day- time bat-eyed persons do not see, is it the fault of the sun ? ' Messrs. Chapman and Hall, in the " Treasure House of Eastern Story " series, have also republished the Bustan and Gulistan at 21s. ; but we prefer Sir Richard Burton's translation.