22 DECEMBER 1928, Page 29

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss G. Pitt,_ 8 Wyndham Crescent, N. 19, for the following :- Questions on Noses . 1. What famous man had a golden nose ?

2. What pious lady sang through her nose ?

3. What was the nose-tax ?

4. What scientist was distrusted because his nose was in- adequate ?

5. Who were (a) " Nosey," (b) " Copper -nosed Harry " ?

6. What is the origin of the phrase, " God bless you! " spoken after hearing anyone sneeze

7. Who pressed her nose against a window-pane instead of ringing a bell ?

8. When did a child sneeze seven times ?

9. Who " had no little handkerchief, to wipe his little nose"

10. Whose nose was " red and-raw,"; and when 1!

11. Where do we read of a nose that was " tip-tilted like thi3 Petal-of a flower "

12.. Of what .poet was it asserted that " his nose, the rudder of the face, waa'small, feeble, nothing—like what he has done " ?

13: WhO 'stispeCted- that snuff as probably the cause of the *anew nose,?

Answers will -be found on :page- 968► -