22 DECEMBER 1928, Page 30


Additional interest was lent to the recent - meeting of Harrods (Buenos Aires) by the fact that the chairman, Sir Woodman Burbidge, was once again able to report, at

first hand, on conditions with regard to the company's business in Buenos Aires as a result of a visit to that country. There was, he said, every justification " for the hope that unless something unforeseen occurred, the profits of the current year would again show a very satisfactory advance, such as would warrant the payment of a yet larger dividend to the Ordinary shareholders." Sir Woodman then gave a very full and detailed account of the company's extensive programme of future developments in Argentina. These developments include extensions of existing properties, an acquirement of new sites, the whole involving an expenditure of about £500,000 spread over three_ years. These outlays, however, Sir Woodman explained, were to be Provided out of the combined resources of the company and its allied concerns.

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