Quiz answers
1) a) New York; b) Stanford, California; c) Philadelphia; d), e) and f) all West Germa- ny; g) John Glenn; h) Mrs Barfield, the 'Murdering Granny', before her execution.
2) a) George McGovern; b) Barry Gol- dwater; c) Henry Wallace; d) George Wal- lace; e) Gerald Ford; f) 'Not worth a pit- cherful of piss', John Vance Garner.
3)a) Alf Dubs; b) Cecil Parkinson; c) Mar- garet Thatcher; d) David Steel; e)Peter Bottomley.
4) a) Minnie; b) Violetta; c) Marenka; d) Isabella; e) 'They call me Mimi but my name is Lucia'; f) she has no name and is referred to as Barak's wife.
5) a) Ronald Reagan, after the bombing at the US Embassy in Beirut; b) Daley Thompson on his Olympic gold medal; c) Mrs Thatcher accepting Mr Prior's resigna- tion; d) Billy Graham; e) George Sea- wright, Belfast loyalist, after his proposal to incinerate 'Fenian scum'; f) John De Lorean acquitted of cocaine smuggling.
6) a) Hyde Park near Hyde Park Corner; b) Trafalgar Square; c) Pimlico Gardens; d) Piccadilly Circus (`Eros'); e) in front of St Paul's; f) Victoria Embankment.
7) a) Llanelli, rugby football; b) Western Province (and India), cricket; c) San Fran- cisco Giants, baseball; d) West Bromwich Albion, soccer; e) MCC members, tennis ('real'); f) Victoria, Australian Rules Foot- ball.
8) a) Sebastian; b) Agatha; c) Bartholo- mew; d) Nicholas of Bari; e) Catherine of Alexandria; f) Apollonia.
9) a) Blenheim (1930); b) Royal Palace (1967); c) Lemberg (1910); d) Macaroni (1863); e) Larkspur (1962); f) Roberto (1972) 10) a) butterfly; b) toad; c) lizard; d) moth; e) bird; f) fish 11) a) Gustave Kobbe of the 'Opera Book'; b) Odon von Horvath, the Hungarian playwright; c) William of Orange; d) Fra- gonard the painter; e) Lully the composer 12) a) Mark Twain; b) George Orwell; c) Rebecca West; d) George Eliot; e) Diana Dors 13) a) Cockneys; the police; b) Winchester schoolboys; a bicycle; c) bookmakers; two to one the field; d) musicians; an orchestral short-cut by missing notes; e) printers; spil- led type; f) bibliophiles; type of binding 14) a) Scott Fitzgerald; Keats; b) Thacke- ray; Bunyan; c) Evelyn Waugh; T.S. Eliot; d) Aldous Huxley; Marlowe; e) He- mingway; Donne; f) Rosamund Lehmann; Meredith.
15) a) Gustavus AdolphuA; b) Walter Scott; c) George IV; d) Carlyle; e) Hero- dotus; f) James Hogg
16)a)Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen; b) Remembrance of Things Past, Marcel Proust; c) Cranford, Mrs Gaskell; d) Wo- men in Love, D.H. Lawrence; e) Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov; 0 The Water Babies, Charles Kingsley.