Edward Norman
After Guy Fawkes himself, Nicholas Wise- man was the man most frequently burned in effigy during the middle years of the 19th century. There, surely, is a truly authentic claim......
Harold Acton
A kind friend has just sent me Money, by Martin Amis, which has fascinated and horrified me by fits and starts. Still reeling from the nightmare shock of this extraor- dinary......
Humphrey Carpenter
The worst book was Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner. While no one can't help admir- ing the skill with which a distinguished art historian has constructed an elegant parody of the......
Peter Levi
Bad books are not what they were. You give them away or throw them away or you forget them. The few prize specimens you keep look pale beside the bad books of the good old days.......
Eric Christiansen
Southey's Letters from England by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella (Allan Sutton) is as good as anything I dare recommend in an audible solo. The liberal poet affected to be a......
Christopher Hawtree
A dozen best books spring readily to mind. Among them, Keith Walker's amusing, scholarly and superficially expensive edi- tion of Rochester's Poems shows that he is a more......
Wilfred De'ath
The best book I have read this year, in the sense of the most edifying, is undoubtedly Cardinal Hume's To Be A Pilgrim. Great Princes of the Church are not, generally speaking,......